Collie Dog Breed Information
Collie Dog Size
Collie male dog is about 56-61 cm in withers. Collie female is
51-56 cm in withers. Male dog of Collie dog breed reaches from 20
to 29 kg, bitch - from 18 to 25 kg.
There is also the American type of Collie dog breed. It has larger
size and a wider head. This type of Collie has also more types of
fur color.
The 30th president of USA John Calvin Coolidge had a white Collie
named Rob Roy.
How to Choose a Collie Puppy?
If you have decided it clearly that Collie is the dog you need,
you are to define the point of purchase. If you wish to make a
friend and a companion, first of all turn attention to Collie
puppy health and character.
If you have bright plans to create a career or a show dog, turn
precise attention to its breed standards and learn the puppy's and
his parents' pedigree.
Dog Health is the Most Important
Healthy Collie puppy of 8 months old looks like that:
Turn your attention to thecnditions of puppy keeping. Healthy
breeding is impossible in dirty and tight room. Collie puppies of
that age look plump and actively move, they have no innternal or
external parasites.
Collie Keeping
Collie perfectly feel living in appartment, if they are regularly
walked daily. In spite of their thick fur Collie undergoes heat
well. Fur keeps air and it helps to keep a stable body
temperature. Normally Collie dogs have good health. They tend to
suffer from a hip dysplasia and a progressive retinal atrophy.
Collie owners should remember that is is a herding dog and it may
have problems with games for running and catching, with biting.
One should watch it.
It is well known that even puppies of one litter may differ in
temperament. There may be more active puppies, suspicious for
strangers, too friendly or shy. Of course a temperament of any dog
depends on the owner's patience and persistence. But still many
habits and features are inherited on genetic level. There are many
tests and metods to choose a puppy character.
Specialists have established, that at the 49 days of age a puppy's
intelect is developed well enough to test its future abilities.
That's why this age is good for testing puppy socializing
abilities, willingness to follow a person, obey or dominate. This
age is anough also to define puppy's trainability, to get to know
if your puppy is afraid of height, noise and touch or it is a real
Testing is to be held in a calm atmosphere before feeding and with
a completely healthy puppy. Tests for Collie are absolutely the
same as for other dog breeds. Try them and you will see the future
character of a proposed puppy.
It is very important to have a look at the parents of your Collie
puppy, especially if you are buying a puppy without pedigree.
Note, that Collie puppies are ablosutely unlike adult dogs of this
breed. That's why without definite knowledge of Collie dog breed
standard you quite probably may get a cross or a dog that is very
far from Collie dog breed representative.
If you are looking for Collie puppy to raise a show dog and for
breeding take a help of a specialist who knows all the features
and nuances of the breed. he will help you to choose a future
champion dog. Another way is to find reputable Collie breeders.
They will never cheat on future dog owners of their puppies as
they are interested in success of their litters to proceede the
fame of their parents.
If you are serious about search for a perspective puppy, act
forward to your purpose: learn the Collie breeders history, visit
Collie shows and watch there for the owners of your future puppy,
consult for the right to be the first one to choose a puppy from
the next litter of the dog you choose.
How to Care for Collie Dog Fur
The first you admit looking at Collie is its gorgeous fur. And at
the same time the question arises: probably, the care of it
demands many time and patience of the owner. This guess is quite
close to the true. Of course fur demands special care for show.
But daily it requires regular care as well. For this purpose a
Collie breeder should have several brushes: one with close teeth
and a regular one for brushing dog's fur.
Long fur is brushed by putting it up to get the roots. Special
attention to taken to the areas behind dog ears, a chest, pants
and a tail. These are the area where fur flakes are most probably
to appear. It is easier to spend 15-20 min daily than cut out
flocks of fur that are impossible to brush.
Collie fur cures! It is a unique fur that has healing features to
enwarm, cure pain and stress. It is used for socks, hats and
Collie Dog Feeding
There are two schemes of Collie feeding: by ready-made dry and wet
food or to cook meals for a dog by yourself. The first way is
comfortable for busy people. But remember, that once you have
chosen it will be not easy to change it into a self-made one.
Dog feeding by home made meals is often understood wrong if
suppose that it is cheaper and the food left from your meals is
enough. But Collie menu is to be thought over. It requires
consistent and nutritious food of quality products. Tailings from
markets and farms may be dangerous. To plan a healthy ratio you
will need to know the list good and bad products for Collie.
Useful products for Collie feeding:
Harmful products for Collie feeding:
Leading by these lists you may create a healhy menu for your dog. Remember that it should include vitamins.