Akita, Malamute & Husky Muzzles

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Akita, Malamute & Husky Muzzles

  • Rich choice of Husky muzzles and other accessories;
  • Fast worldwide shipping from the producer directly;
  • Quality materials, rustproof fittings, and real leather only;
  • Shipping and returns are provided if needed.
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It is not easy to choose a perfect dog muzzle without trying it on. But our specialists made a detailed instruction for you to measure your dog maximum properly: ➤How to measure a dog for a muzzle?
Our specialists will choose the best fit muzzle size for your Siberian Husky, Akita, Malamute and other dog breeds. Just fill in the sizes, age and breed of your dog while ordering. If something goes wrong, we will not leave you in a trouble and propose exchnages. We will not leave you until you are completely satisfied with our service and products!
➤Write your questions to info@dog-muzzles-store.co.uk
Husky muzzles are designed to fit dog snout with comfort and safety. Here you can find wire basket Husky muzzles, soft leather Husky muzzles, Husky muzzles for daily use and Husky muzzles for K9 dogs, Police training etc. If you have any questions or need an advice as for Husky muzzles choice, please, do not hesitate to contact us at info@dog-muzzles-store.co.uk. Our specialists will help you with glad!

This information will help you:
A Dog Does Not Want to Wear a Muzzle? ☞
How to train a dog to a dog muzzle?
Dog Behaviour Problems. Top 10
Aggressive Behavior In Dogs | Dog To Dog Aggression
Dog Socialization With Other Dogs
Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by dog-muzzles-store.co.uk

Siberian Husky Dog Breed Information

A Friend of the Heart
In a harsh climate, when the temperature could drop to -60 degrees, the Chukchi knew that they could rely on the Huskies: a team of two dozen sled dogs could cover huge distances along ice and snow and did it all in one day.
For a man these dogs were not only assistants in hunting and a means of transportation, they became real members of the family: as soon as a child was born, all the Husky - and they usually lived outside - were called into the house so that the dogs could lie around a baby and enwarm it with their body. When the child grew a little, the dogs could protect it and were its company in games. Husky dogs often served as a "heater" for the whole family at night: that's how the local term "two dogs-night" appeared - so many animals are needed to warm the whole body.
At the end of the 19th century it was the sled dogs that played the decisive role in the fate of the Chukchi, defending the independence of these people from "tsarist Russia". It seems incredible, but thanks to the teams of Siberian Huskies, the Chukchi caused a tangible defeat to the invaders' army and got autonomy.
However, with the beginning of the 20th century the breed nearly died when the Soviet government that came to power and decided that the Siberian Husky was too small to transport cargoes. Therefore it was useless. Husky dogs did not get the status of the breed, and their reproduction was prohibited.

The Second Birth
Surprisingly, the breed was preserved only for the interest of the Americans. These dogs got their name from them, because the "husky" is a distorted English word "eski" that means Eskimo.
Several teams were transported to Alaska in 1930 and the Siberian Huskies became very popular in America. It was the period of the "gold rush" when the demand for sled dogs increased significantly, because the way to the gold mines was not long and difficult and Siberian Huskies showed themselves in all their glory.
Brought from Siberia, soon the dogs began to star in all sorts of sled races and very soon one of the representatives of the breed became the national hero of the United States. In 1925, the Huskies rescued the town of Nome from an epidemic of diphtheria, when a team of dogs led by a fluffy husky named Balto, broke through a snow storm and brought the long-awaited medicines to the city. The whole world heard about the hero-dogs, and a year later a monument was erected in the "Central Park of New Ork" in honor of the achievement of Balto and his four-legged team.

The Wild Beauty
Smart wool with a wide variety of colors, cute masks on the muzzle, a medium height, a fox tail, a compact figure and intelligent blue eyes - these are features that the breed can boast about. And if you add here such features as endurance, strength, and speed, then the husky does seem to be perfect.
But it should be mentioned that the exhibition dogs often differ from the racing ones. Their muzzle is much smaller. Such individuals look prettier, but cannot participate in races. A short muzzle does not allow the inhaled frosty air to warm up well, and the dog gets tired quickly.
Curiosity and patience, kind disposition and instincts of a hunter, thick undercoat, that allows to sleep under the snow, and excitement of racing in the icy wilderness are the best features that created such a multifaceted and unique breed.
These sports dogs with a compact build and easy gait are really beautiful in their primeval savagery. They are like tame wolves, but a little more noble with their proud posture, standing ears and a luxurious two-layered coat that allows dogs to cope with the strong heat as well as with the cold.
Husky's eyes can be brown, olive, amber, blue or even different in color. Classic ones are black, brown and gray in combination with white. Each representative of the breed has its own peculiar intricate mask pattern on the muzzle.

The Siberian Husky Temperament
The Siberian Husky requires constant movement and good physical activity, because these dogs were created for hard work. A Husky dog will become your faithful and devoted friend if you can provide the dog with long walks or jogging, and towing a skier or sledge in winter.
Since the Eskimos carefully selected the sled dogs, the modern Husky dogs show no signs of aggression. Moreover, they are friendly enough to all people, even to unfamiliar ones. Therefore, despite its impressive and proud appearance, this breed is not suitable for house security, because it is too friendly and not aggressive - the dog would rather play with the thief, who penetrated into the house than protect the house.
In the distant past, sled dogs had to fight for their lives making important decisions on their own. This left its imprint on the breed. It cannot be called meek. No matter how clever the Husky is, he will certainly show his independence by making some nice prank.
The Siberian Husky is very quiet, and you cannot hear them barking so often. And, nevertheless, these are very talkative dogs that make special soft sounds when they want to show that they are happy.
The representatives of the breed are very sociable and can easily get along with people and other animals, but they have a special fancy for children, and enthusiastic children, of course, adore them too. Is it possible to resist such a big fluffy toy that runs around with you, and allows you to hold his neck? And the best thing is that the Siberian Husky will never harm any child.
Despite the fact that Huskies are equally fond of the whole family, it is important that only the master can teach a Husky puppy, and the puppy will choose his leader on his own. Since Huskies are dogs of a strong character, not everyone is able to cope with them. It is necessary to start teaching them when they are just little puppies.
Of course, Husky dogs can live in an apartment, but it is important that they have the opportunity to run without a leash at least an hour a day, and not in the city, but in a field or in a forest. The ideal option for these dogs is, of course, life in a country house where the dog can have his own spacious enclosure in which he can play any time of the day or night, in any weather.

Husky Dog Care
Note that the Husky is not suitable for apartment maintenance as they like space, expanse, freedom and moving games too much. They will be more comfortable in a suburban area with a high fence, excluding a tunnel. And don't be deceived by the fact that he is quiet in the apartment. Soon he will be bored to death if staying in apartments.
You will be able to understand it if see what kind of dog he becomes when Husky is in a harness. He immediately demonstrates his best qualities: tirelessness, strength, speed, and ingenuity.
But you do not have to be a professional athlete to own this dog. Loving sports is quite enough. If you run in the park, ride a bike, or go skiing with your pet on the weekends, and he will become the happiest dog in the world!
In addition to all these advantages, the Siberian Husky is also a relatively simple breed. Being clean in nature, these dogs do not smell and always take care of themselves in the cat's manner, so you can bathe Husky rarely, once a year might be enough.
These animals practically do not shed, except for two times a year, when they chnage their entire rich undercoat. In other periods they need minimal care for the fur: all you need to do is to periodically comb a dog and release it from the dead hair.
Undoubtedly, these harsh, but beautiful dogs deserve love and respect for their independent temper, endurance, courage, and exceptional devotion. Therefore, if you are dreaming of having a kind and sympathetic friend or are looking for a companion for games with children and for sports, the Siberian Husky is exactly the dog that you need.